The Concept of Medical Surgical Nursing by Glory O. Abasa


This work “The concept of medical surgical nursing” makes case management contest more accessible than ever.

It holds a timely and rightful place as an important tool that allows the reader to reinforce his knowledge and skill in promoting good health care and professionalism.



This work “The concept of medical surgical nursing” makes case management contest more accessible than ever.

It holds a timely and rightful place as an important tool that allows the reader to reinforce his knowledge and skill in promoting good health care and professionalism. Viz:

–              Detailed approaches to different pathophysiology as it relate/affect different systems.

–              A clear and practical description of the nursing as an art and science in the medical-surgical areas.

–              An overview of current and possible nursing Diagnosis for every topic /disease.

–              Intriguing analysis of each topic/case that keeps the mind of the reader focused.


The author is a nurse by profession, lecturer by vocation and a medical writer by passion. For him, health communication is not just writing complicated reviews for professionals but making medical knowledge understandable and available to the general public as well. He has taught both ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY and MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING for so many years and had come up with this work flowing from his broad knowledge and experience.

To everyone who desires to have a systematic approach to case management and pathology at their finger .tips, note this… “ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE TO THE MIND THAT CAN SEE IT”

Mindex Publishing